Friday, November 30, 2007


I got booted from a film set today. That's frustrating.I was working on a Tutorial for and found out that all free NLEs do not support multiple video channels. That's frustrating.I want to help people make movies but I get kicked off sets and run into software limitations. That's frustrating.So what should I do with my time? I should edit some past projects that have yet to be

Monday, November 26, 2007

Images from Italy

[NB: The following contains images from art history that depict nudity. I will refrain from further comment at this time if you have a problem with that.]No, this is not a post of photos I took. That will come later... maybe.For those of you who don't know (which would be almost all of you if more people read my blog, Jason), I just got back from Italy with my family. It was a good experience. We

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Funds, Fads, and Fun

I've long felt that I needed to post something about Tithing. It started way back in the day when I was chatting with a few college buddies about tithing and taking a Sabbath (both of which seemed completely foreign to them). It happened again when one of the snot-nosed kids we were teaching belligerently told me that he wasn't going to give his nickel because he didn't want to "waste it". Okay,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Don't Wanna Be Like Mike

I did it. I finished Michael Pearl's "Sin No More" series. It's been a few days now and I decided I needed to report, review, and respond to the 10 or so hours of material presented. Naturally, this is not going to be exhaustive (thankfully), and merely an overview of my thoughts and reactions. If you are at all interested, I would recommend checking it out. If nothing else, it will allow you an

Friday, November 2, 2007

Captive or Captivated?

I like pretty girls. I think everyone does. If you don't, something is wrong with you or you're lying. I don't like people lying to me. We like pretty girls.But this raises an awareness of a perplexing reality: Since we like them, what do we do about it?In a past post I wrote:[Michael] talks about "husbands [who] are secretly following porn queens". Sure, there are certain girls (Camilla Belle is